This is a one on one beginner hunter education course for those who are completely new to hunting. We will cover all the topics as per the course description below and will top it up with extra lessons and additional activities of your choice. Previous students feedback was that the program is full on due to the amount of knowledge they had to cram in and the rugged nature of the country that had to be hiked. You better be physically very fit.
Day 1 – Introduction
You will be met at the entrance to the property and guided to the cabin. After the initial meet and greet we will get straight into a safety briefing, a talk about hunting ethics and a gear/backpack talk followed by lunch.
Then its into basic navigation, introduction to Avenza maps and how to read topographical maps as well as a brief field test of the acquired navigation skills.
Dinner is then taken as an opportunity to teach some game cooking skills and to refuel for the final lesson of the day: Australian feral goat history, ecology, distribution and hunting techniques.
If after that the student still has some steam left in the tank we can go yabbie fishing, try fox calling or just chill by the fire.
Day 2 – Field Lesson
Goat hunting means you can sleep in. So after breakfast at a reasonable morning hour we will have a safety briefing, gear check and firearm safety re-brief.
We will spend the day with a focus on orienteering, glassing as well as the ‘spot and stalk’ technique and shot placement. If all goes well we may end up with a goat harvest resulting in a field dressing lesson and a carry out. Lunch on that day will be in the field and dinner will again be a cooking demonstration at the cabin.
Usually students are out of puff at this stage and ready to hit the hay. However, additional activities and lessons like yabbie fishing, fox calling or a play with thermal optics are available.
Day 3 – Wrap Up
The day starts with a butchering session and a safe game meat harvesting lesson right after breakfast.
Lunch is followed by a meat packing session (yes, you get to take home all the meat) and a debrief where you will also be handed a Wildfoodmeister care package including a butchering knife set, cutting glove, game bag, chopping board and some of our very own Sticky Vicky’s honey.
You will then be escorted off the property and farewelled.
Noteworthy: Since this is a beginner course with a strong focus on ethics safety, the student will not actually shoot/pull the trigger.