List your hunts, courses, workshops and hunting events on Hunting Trips Australia

What is Hunting Trips Australia

Hunting Trips Australia is Australia’s premier guided hunt listing website. Together we partner with the country’s best guides and outfitters to provide the most comprehensive Australian hunt directory. Through the website, users can search and find the hunt that’s right for them based on filters like location, species, hunt type and other filters. 

When a user wants to learn more about a hunt or make a booking their use the contact form on the hunt listing which sends an email directly to outfitter.

Here are some cool facts about Hunting Trips Australia

What does it cost to list?

Listing your hunts on the website is free, all that we ask in exchange is that you contribute one guided hunt (can be a meat hunt or service of the equivalent value) once every 12 months to be used as a giveaway for members of the Australian Hunters Club. We also require that you provide Australian Hunters Club Platinum members with at least 10% off your listed hunts. That’s it. If you’re happy with that you can create as many listings as you want.

Why list your hunts with us?

Join the rest of the countries outfitters

95% of the country's outfitters list their hunting packages and experiences with us. Why? Because it works.

List your hunts for free

There is no financial cost to register and create hunting listings on our website.

We'll send you new clients

Thousands of people visit our site every day looking for new hunts. Your hunt could be one of them.

Local support

Hunting Trips Australia is made by Australia Hunters, for Australian hunters. If you ever need help you can email us directly.

Free advertising

We are connected with some of Australia's best hunters and content creators. Join us and we'll promote your hunting trip for free.

How does it all work?

To learn more about the process of registering and creating your hunting trips check out the video below,

The process.

Register with Hunting Trips Australia

Registering with Hunting Trips Australia is quick and simply taking less then 5 seconds.

Create your first hunting trip listing

Once registered you can create your first hunting trip listing. Each listing supports a large number of fields to help you accurately list your hunting experience including price, location, target game, accommodation, payment terms and many more.

We will show your listing to hunters.

Once your hunting trip listing has been approved by one of our team it will appear on the website and can be found by users.

Communicate directly with prospecive clients

Once a prospective client lands on your listing and wants to take the next step in organising the hunt we send them straight over to you, sending through their email address, request and contact information.. The rest is up to you. We don't handle payments or take commissions, we just provide the advertising service.

Frequently asked questions

You’ve probably still got questions about the nitty gritty, and how it all works once you are registered. That’s ok. Check out our most frequently asked questions below.

Listing your hunts on the website is free, all that we ask in exchange is that you contribute one guided hunt (can be a meat hunt or service of the equivalent value) once ever 12 months to be used as a giveaway for members of the Australian Hunters Club. We also ask that you provide Australian Hunters club members with at least 10% off your listed hunts. That’s it. If you’re happy with that you can create as many listings as you want.

All professional Australia outfitters, guides, hunting educators, ranch owners and property owners are welcome to register on the website and create listings. Successful applicants must have a registered hunting business or property with an ABN as well as operate within Australia.

There are a number of ways people can find your hunting trip through the website. The most common way is through our listing page where users can filter through hunts based on certain criteria (location, target game, accommodation etc…). We also have a ‘popular hunts’ section on the websites home page which features hunts we believe users will be interested in.

If someone is interested in your hunt and want to make a booking they will use the ‘contact us’ section on your hunt listing page, sending an email directly to you.

You are paid directly by the users. We do not handle any money or booking. It will be up to you to organise all of the conditions of the hunting trip with the client, including how you get paid. We just provide the initial contact as a advertising service.

Initial contact from clients is sent via email through the website. Once the initial email has been sent to your designated email address you can communicate with the client however and wherever you would like, phone, email it’s up to you.

It’s important that all hunting trip prices listed on Hunting Trips Australia are either the same as your prices advertised elsewhere or cheaper. This is a condition for registration.

Note, you do not have to list your prices on the website if you don’t want to.

No, at the moment there is no limit to the amount of hunting trips you can list on the website. Please note, all listed trips by the same provider must be unique (targeted a different animal, different hunting style, different location…) We reserve the right to not approve Hunting Trip listings that are too similar.

If you need help or have any questions relating to the website you can email us through the contact form on the contact page.